Mövenpick Resort Waverly Phu Quoc - Luxury hotel - Create a balanced life with Five-Elements therapy

Create a balanced life with Five-Elements therapy

Since thousands of years ago, Vietnamese people have applied the Five Elements Theory in nurturing Mind – Body – Wisdom to be in harmony with heaven and earth. Inspired by the relationship among the five elements of Mental – Wood – Water – Fire – Earth, Elements Spa offers a variety of treatments that help you rejuvenate every cell in order to find the balance between inside and outside and enjoy both ancient and modern vitality.

Here are the recommendations for the best time and treatment to pamper yourself by Five Elements Theory.

The energy of Wood is most active in the morning when you can awaken your senses and revitalize your body with face care and moisturizing therapies.

Fire energy is recommended for soothing treatments around noon, when the body needs to relieve muscle pain or the skin needs to be protected from inflammatory agents like acne and oily skin.

Earth energy drives relaxation and regeneration, making it ideal for body care in the afternoon when you need to rebalance from the inside. You can apply multivitamins to even out your skin tone and restore vigor to your facial skin.

Metal energy is most active in the evening, implying rejuvenation with treatments to restore, renew, and prolong life for the skin, body, and spirit.

Water energy relieves stress, promotes relaxation, and facilitates sleep. With its deep moisturizing capabilities, Water energy treatments are ideal for night care, and are especially good for dry or sensitive skin.

At any time of the day, don’t forget to calm down to listen to the emotions inside your body and mind. Let Elements Spa provide natural elements to care for, pamper, and provide you with the most exquisite moments of relaxation in the soothing, gentle atmosphere of wood and herbs.

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